
Start Here

#1. How to Start

send me a message ” Signup for Guest Posting”

#2. Create your ‘Income Camping’ Profile and add your social channels

Your profile is located on the top right of the screen. 

Go there and click on ‘edit your profile’. Bio and your social media channels 

#3. Create your first Income Camping article

Navigate go to your dashboard and click on ‘new post‘.

Useful options to have in your content

  • Add media (Images)
  • Set headings (‘Paragraph, H2, H3’)
  • Bullets
  • Numbering
  • Add Html links to text
  • Toggle toolbar
  • Add/embed YouTube videos
  • Add Html code (‘Text view’)

We use the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin (directly under your post) which walks our contributors through the process of SEO. Make sure your content is well optimized

Kind Regards,

Godson Great

CEO and Publisher of Income Camping